Goals Achieved in 2023
Northwest Montana Community Land Trust purchased three homes and two residential lots in 2023 by weaving together private donations and federal/state funding to create affordable homeownership opportunities for Flathead County residents. NWMTCLT was able to raise $412,000 this year and access $200,000 in Homebuyer Assistance funds.
NWMTCLT has plans to add more homes in 2024. None of this would be possible without the support of local and national foundations and private donors who see the Community Land Trust model as an investment in permanently affordable homeownership. Some donors have been with NWMTCLT for years, but 2023 saw terrific new supporters including Jerry Dunker, Brian and Marie Clark, Michelle Kaney, and Jerry and Lannette Bloom. Without widespread community support through private donors and the Great Fish Community Challenge NWMTCLT wouldn't be able to continue adding homes to our inventory of 55 affordable homes owned by average members of our workforce and retired community members.
Foundations like Wells Fargo, Otto Bremer and Town Pump granted NWMTCLT funds allowing us to continue working to make homes affordable to purchase.
In order to add two more homes in the Trailview neighborhood, NWMTCLT has set a goal to raise another $150,000 in early 2024. Additionally, NWMTCLT will build two homes in Kalispell and rehabilitate a donated home in Columbia Falls.